John, I’m only dancing

rodenymorph.gifYou gotta to hand it to Rodney Hide – his bumptiousness knows no bounds. Yesterday he sent a public “letter” to John Key: What Rodney’ll tell John If You Give Him Enough Act Mps! And in it he repeats his now-familiar climate crank schtick:

John, you gotta get the country out of this Emissions Trading Scam.

I’ve read the NZIER report. Have you read it?

John may not, but I have. It manages to make the economic consequences of an emissions trading scheme look very bad, by making some ludicrous assumptions – the biggest of which is that New Zealand acts totally alone, that the rest of the world does nothing. That single assumption makes the rest of the NZIER report meaningless – except as a source of daft numbers for the likes of Rodney Hide, the Greenhouse Policy Coalition and Federated Farmers to wave around.

So after beating around the bush with a bird in one hand and a cleft stick in the other, he reveals his credentials:

“I’m not your classic climate change denier. I’ve been worried about the future of the planet since I was 15.

(“Although it’s funny. Back then, the wise ones were all saying we were going to freeze to death in a new Ice Age. I was so terrified, I went and became an environmental scientist.)

Rodney certainly isn’t your classic crank, but I have to suspect that he’s creatively re-interpreting his personal history when he asserts that he became an “environmental scientist” because of the global cooling scare. There are two problems with this statement. There wasn’t a global cooling scare, and Rodney isn’t an environmental scientist (see this comment on an earlier Hide post for a description of the course he did). His Wikipedia entry has the details:

After returning to New Zealand, Hide gained a degree in resource management from Lincoln College, Canterbury. He then took up a teaching position at Lincoln, first in resource management and later in economics. He completed his master’s degree in economics from Montana State University in record time.

His first degree was in zoology and botany, so he does have a science background: it’s just a pity he seems to forgotten all about it.

And over the next 30 years, I found out my green friends were well-meaning, but they weren’t very well-informed.

So I’m not as worried about the future of the planet as I used to be. Even the UN now admits the globe stopped warming in 1998.

No, “the UN” hasn’t admitted that the globe stopped warming in 1998. Because it didn’t. This is something so easily checked that you might expect Hide to show some regard for veracity – but his pronouncements on climate change show no interest in the truth.

Hide seems to think that being bumptious and amusing is enough to allow him to tell lies and get away with it. He’s like a little child, bouncing up and down being outrageous for an audience. It’s about time someone told him to shut up and go to his room. Here’s hoping the good voters of Epsom save John Key from the tragedy of having Hide in his cabinet, should the election result give National the numbers to govern.

[Title reference]

Take care the road you choose

vote1.pngNow that one election’s out of the way, (a good result: Obama’s committed to 80 percent reductions by 2050) time to focus on what’s happening in New Zealand. I’ve promised several times to offer an analysis of the major parties offerings on climate change and emissions reductions, but I’ve been pre-empted by a very useful summary by Vote for the Environment (a joint effort by Eco and Greenpeace). They set up an “ideal” set of environment policies, and then surveyed the parties and scored their answers. The results are pretty close to my impression of the state of the parties…

Continue reading “Take care the road you choose”

You can’t Hide (your policy from me)

rodenymorph.gifA few months ago, Rodney Hide decided that he and his party had little to lose and votes to gain by declaring themselves to be climate sceptics. I’ve roundly criticised this stance in earlier posts, and this week I’ve been joined by The Listener‘s Ecologic columnist Sarah Barnett, who takes Hide to task here (full text available next week). With the election approaching, it’s time to dig a little deeper into the intellectual foundations of ACT’s climate change policy, such as they are.

The ACT web site now features a policy document [PDF], and a background briefing [PDF] on their policies page. Let’s take a detailed look…

Continue reading “You can’t Hide (your policy from me)”

No matter who you vote for the government always gets in

We have an election date – November 8th – and an Emissions Trading Scheme on the statute books. The next eight weeks are going to be fascinating, probably messy, and certainly noisy. Hot Topic will be watching the campaigns, focussing on what the parties have to say about climate change, climate policy and the ETS. More when the campaigns get into gear.

Meanwhile, this weekend’s edition of RNZ National’s Focus on Politics (stream, download) looks at what might be in store for the ETS after the election. National insist they’ll be able to get amending legislation in place within nine months (Nick Smith sounded intent on saving Fonterra money…), David Parker reckons they’ll struggle. But will they get the chance?

Good weekend reading: No Right Turn’s take on the true cost to the NZ economy of reasonable emissions targets. I really must get my thoughts on targets onto the blog soon – but there’s much afoot in the Arctic (and I have a vineyard to finish pruning).

You’re the (NZ) first, the last, my everything

NZETS.jpg So what’s happening to the Emissions Trading Scheme legislation? It seems to be stuck in the parliamentary back rooms, presumably because the government is struggling to put together enough votes to get the bill (or a version of it) passed before the election. No Right Turn has been keeping tabs on progress, and is of the opinion that time is rapidly running out.

My own totally unwarranted speculation is that the government has calculated it needs NZ First to get the bill through, and that certain well-publicised problems faced by that party’s leader are holding things up. Labour could probably do a deal with the Greens and Maori Party, but that would mean a tougher scheme and lead to loud squeals from the big emitters. It would give National another stick to beat them with… So Winston it is. Or perhaps isn’t. Whatever, negotiations probably involve a lot of pompous blustering…

I usually try to steer clear of party politics on Hot Topic, and I went to some lengths to make the book as non-partisan as possible. I don’t care who my readers vote for, but I do care that our political parties have sound climate-related policy. I would hope to encourage people to take that into account when voting. When we have an election date, I plan to put together a handy guide…

Anyway, please use this post for all pre-election political commentary.