Mr February (aka Simon Johnson) looks at the Labour Party’s climate change policy and concludes it’s not exactly innovative.
As I was saying in my previous post Labour do have a seven page climate change policy that is at first look pretty comprehensive.
Labour will
- begin the transition to a low carbon clean energy economy
- set ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets and plans to achieve them
- set up an independent climate change commission
- will implement a comprehensive risk assessment framework in order to develop a comprehensive climate change response plan
- establish a carbon budget process
- achieve 90% renewable electricity generation target by 2025
- reduce per capita domestic transport emissions 50% by 2040 from a base year of 2007
- ensure that there is no retail carbon price gouging of consumers
- manage the transition to ensure social justice particularly with respect to low income families
- restore the carbon price to the NZETS (NZ Emissions Trading Scheme)
- require emitters to cover at least half their emissions with NZ issued Units (not the cheap international ‘hot air’ units).
- bring agriculture into the NZETS from 1 January 2016
- give agriculture a free allocation of NZ units equal to 90% of 2007 production