The Age Of Resilience starts tonight

AgeofResilience_logoA quick heads up that the Royal Society of New Zealand’s panel discussion series on the theme of The Age Of Resilience starts tonight at the Auckland Museum at 6pm. French and NZ experts will consider the “economic conundrum” of transitioning to a low-carbon economy and at the same time deliver a “high and sustainable level of human well-being”. On the panel are Pierre Ducret (see the NZ Herald today), Dr Suzi Kerr, Professor Catherine Larrère and Fraser Whinerary. Kim Hill will be in the chair, and the evening is being recorded by Radio New Zealand for broadcast next month. More details at the RSNZ web site, and you can download a flyer here.

Two further sessions are being held in Wellington and Christchurch: in Wellington tomorrow night on Climate in-justice? and Christchurch next Tuesday on The Anthropocene Challenge. Details and flyers from the RSNZ here. An interesting series — and if you can’t make the live recordings, all three will be on Radio NZ National in September and October as part of the Talking Heads strand.

Ain’t no mountain high enough

LonnieThompson.jpg It’s not often you get discussion of ice cores over the breakfast muesli, but Kim Hill’s Saturday Morning show on Radio NZ National today featured a long chat with Lonnie Thompson, the renowned paleoclimatologist who has spent most of his career drilling into high altitude ice caps and glaciers to investigate past climate. The blurb to Mark Bowen’s book about Thompson claims that he “has spent more time in the death zone— the environment above eighteen thousand feet— than any man who has ever lived.” It’s a fascinating 30 – 40 minutes, well worth a listen for the insight he provides into the changes taking place in the cryosphere. Audio will be here later on today.

The electric Kim Hill

X1-front-34-high.jpg Kim Hill’s Saturday Morning show on Radio NZ National is required listening in our house, and this morning she had a most interesting discussion with Ian Wright, a New Zealander who was involved in the early days of Tesla Motors, and who is now running his own EV start up – Wrightspeed. Here’s what he’s up to:

The X1 prototype is just the beginning. It meets its design specs of 0-60 in 3 seconds, 170 mpg equivalent; and at 1536 lbs, is only 36 lbs over the design target of 1500. It really does raise the performance driving experience to a new level, even for racing drivers. No clutch, no shifting, precise and immediate control of torque in drive and braking, perfect traction control…first gear takes you to 112mph…

If you want a glimpse of the future of transport, go get the podcast.