Climate alarmist spouts nonsense

DennisAvery.jpg New Zealand agriculture is doomed and the country will go bust if it adopts measures to restrain carbon emissions, claims Dennis T Avery of the “centre for global food issues” at right wing US think tank the Hudson Institute. Avery is notorious as a vocal climate crank, and was invited to speak at last month’s Agribusiness conference in Blenheim. His message was standard crank nonsense, as the Marlborough Express reported:

Charging farmers for carbon emissions is unfounded and will cripple the New Zealand economy, according to a United States expert on global warming. […] “Do not let them send you out of business. Don’t go quietly. Not only will [a carbon tax] kill you, it will kill the entire economy of New Zealand.”

The alarmist message is underlined in an article he penned on returning home to the US:

No country in the world would risk as much for “global warming” as New Zealand if it goes ahead with the cap-and-trade energy taxation installed by Helen Clarke’s now-departed Labour Government.

Avery’s do-nothing line might have gone done well with some at the Agribusiness conference, but it apparently didn’t find much favour elsewhere:

I said this recently to several New Zealand government ministers and business leaders at a private dinner in Wellington. My message was not welcomed. John Key’s new government seems to understand that New Zealand’s economy would be at terrible risk from carbon taxes — but its voters apparently don’t realize it.

Intriguing. I wonder which ministers he met, and who organised the dinner? And who still thinks Avery is remotely credible on climate issues? Just look at his handy summing up of why action on climate change isn’t necessary:

Never mind that the earth’s global warming stopped after 1998 because the sun has gone into a startling quiet period. That’s why New Zealand’s many glaciers have been growing recently instead of receding. Never mind that even full member compliance with Kyoto would “avoid” only about 0.05 degree C of warming over the next 50 years—by the alarmists’ own math.

Avery is making stuff up — telling lies in an attempt to influence policy. NZ’s glaciers growing? Not what the figures show, Dennis. But then if you think global warming stopped in 1998, you’re clearly not the sharpest pencil in the drawer. It’s a pity the organisers of the Agribusiness conference hadn’t spotted that before inviting him over here to mislead, misinform and misdirect.

Down in the sewer

This column was published in the Waikato Times on 2 June

algaeWhile our government flounders around still somewhat directionless when it comes to a sustainable economy, others are getting on with the job ahead. Blenheim company Aquaflow is one such. It’s actually Marlborough sewage water that is flowing, but the company extracts renewable energy from it in the form of “green crude” oil. The secret lies in the tiny algae that colonise the settling ponds. They may be individually miscroscopic, but in mass they add up to tonnes per day harvested. And they contain oil, stored as they convert the sun’s energy into chemical energy, something they are very efficient at, given access to CO2 and dissolved nutrients in the water in which they are suspended.

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Lomborg criticises crank conference*

Lomborg.jpgThe weekend before last, business leaders from around the world met in Copenhagen and issued a call for an international commitment to steep emissions cuts. Bjorn Lomborg’s contribution to proceedings was a column the Wall Street Journal headlined “The Climate-Industrial Complex”. It seems Bjorn was concerned that some capitalists might seek to profit from action to deal with the climate. Shock! Horror! He went on to wring his hands about those backing the Copenhagen conference:

There would be an outcry — and rightfully so — if big oil organized a climate change conference and invited only climate-change deniers.

And in late-breaking news, we hear that Lomborg has noticed today’s crank conference in Washington, funded by oil money, and has loudly condemned proceedings in the Wall Street Journal

The partnership among self-interested businesses, grandstanding politicians and alarmistsceptic campaigners truly is an unholy alliance. The climate-industrial complex does not promote discussion on how to overcome this challenge in a way that will be best for everybody. We should not be surprised or impressed that those who stand to make a profit are among the loudest calling for politicians to actdo nothing. Spending a fortune on global carbon regulations will benefit a feweveryone, but dearly cost everybody elsea few. [Fixed that for you, Bjorn…]

* – In your dreams…

Taken by the tide?

BrownleeI’ve been critical of Gerry Brownlee for his early actions and statements as Minister of Energy  in taking over the Energy portfolio. I still am.  However in addressing the annual conference of The Aotearoa Wave and Tidal Energy Association (Awatea), held in Wellington this week he produced some encouraging facts and expressions of support which are worth reporting.

Speaking of the impressive 65% of our electricity from the renewable sources of hydro, geothermal and wind, he welcomed the prospect of marine energy being added to them.  

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What’s the world got in store?

NZCCC_conference.jpgA long time ago, when this writer was doing a portion of his growing up on an island far, far away, if you were unfortunate enough to not attend an important or enjoyable event, you were said to have “missed yourself“. This week I shall be missing myself in Wellington at the NZ Climate Change Centre’s conference Managing The Unavoidable, in Te Papa on May 20 – 21. The focus of the conference is on adaptation to the inevitable consequences of climate change, and considers two scenarios: what if global negotiations achieve a “rapidly decarbonising world” and what if, instead, the future is one of a “high carbon world”? Keynote speakers are Chris Field, Director of the Department of Global Ecology Carnegie Institution of Washington, recently elected co-chair of WG2 for the IPCC’s AR5, and Roger Jones of Centre for Strategic Economic Studies in Melbourne. Presentations and panel discussions will address six themes: land-based primary industries, including agriculture, horticulture and forestry; energy and industry, including mining / quarrying and manufacturing; māori; health; local government, including transport and infrastructure, and conservation and natural systems, including biodiversity and biosecurity. Full programme is here. If I lived in Wellington (per the Mutton Birds), I’d be there. Environment minister Nick Smith’s opening the event: I hope he sticks around to listen to what’s said. I’ll see what more info I can dig up from the organisers…