A couple of weeks ago I plugged an upcoming talk by Pieter Tans of NOAA’s Earth Systems Research Lab in Boulder — a carbon cycle specialist and winner of the Roger Revelle Medal. The talk has now been and gone (on Wednesday in Wellington), and the Science Media Centre has made an audio recording available. It’s embedded below the fold, and very well worth a listen. After an excellent introduction to climate basics (basic physics and chemistry mean that the climate’s changing), Tans traverses our addiction to fossil fuels, and how we might fix the problem.
No video clip available at all Gareth? Hard to follow without seeing the slides. Of course, reading at the same time doesn’t help.
You will see most of the same slides if you watch these two lectures by Ben Santer and James Hansen:
Both lectures are brilliant
There is video and slides up on the NZ CCRI website
Thanks Nigel. Pity they haven’t uploaded to Youtube, because then I could embed it…
Indeed! Why does anyone bother with this ‘self-hosting our own obscure format’ thing?
‘WM7 Activex control Not Found’ Therefore no movie. 🙁
I got the same as you Bill. Grrrrrr……..
It works in Internet Explorer only! But not in FireFox or Chrome or any other browser. They use a MS centric technology. Video on the left and slides on the right. Looks good.
Here the tech specs for viewing the VUW media: http://mdsweb.vuw.ac.nz/
Definitely worth seeing (and using IE that one time)….
The most remarkable statement is that he sees us in a 1 in 6 chance to produce AGW of 30 Deg Farenheit or about 15 Deg C in warming over the continental land masses… and likens what we are doing to playing Russian Roulette with a 6 chamber revolver pointed at the head of our children….
Tell somebody to take a ride in a plane that has a 1 in 6 chance of crashing… not many takes I would think. The Space shuttle had a 1 in 100 failure rate…