This is our planet


A wonderful video to start the weekend — time-lapse photography from the space station compiled by Tomislav Safundžić. If anyone ever tries to tell you that man’s influence is too puny to affect our great planet, point them at this. The world is littered with our lights, and much else besides. Watch the full HD version at Vimeo for the best effect.

3 thoughts on “This is our planet”

      1. Oh, I’m not complaining – just trying to excuse my laziness.

        I really do recommend watching the DN! episode – Heartland gets a look-in as well, and Parenti discusses the issues along the lines of Gwynne Dyer. Such that I’m going to have to get the book! Ah, and now I have – gotta love the kindle era!

        And, this is priceless – one of Watts’ loyal acolytes has established a Climatewiki ‘skeptical’ of SkS. It would be fair to say the results are not impressive. (And Josh, as ever, is not funny.)

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