The boys are back, and they can’t stop talking. Glenn’s got his studio set up in London, Gareth’s Waipara internet connection is still marginal, but what was meant to be a ten minute proof of international connectibility turned into a 40 minute extended rumination on Glenn’s arrival in London during the wet summer and extended hay fever season, the record-setting Arctic sea-ice melt and what that might mean for the coming northern hemisphere winter and climate in general, the defeat for New Zealand’s climate cranks in the High Court, and the soon to be obligatory plug for Gareth’s new book…
Watch The Climate Show on our Youtube channel, subscribe to the podcast via iTunes, listen to us via Stitcher on your smartphone or listen direct/download from the link below the fold.
Follow The Climate Show at The Climate Show web site, and on Facebook and Twitter.
A few interesting and relevant links:
‘Astonishing’ Ice Melt May Lead to More Extreme Winters.
New patterns in the atmospheric circulation ‘oop North.
Professor Peter Wadhams calls for urgent geoengineering and a “nuclear binge” to deal with the consequences of climate change in the Arctic.
Climate Code Red: Arctic warning: As the system changes, we must adjust our science.
For more excellent podcasting and radio goodness on the subject of the current Arctic emergency, I strongly recommend you check out Radio Ecoshock current show — an Arctic special in which Alex talks to Rutgers scientist Jennifer Francis, who explains how this changes weather for billions of people in the Northern Hemisphere. Plus the Director of the Snow and Ice Data Center, Mark Serreze on record and what it means, and analysis from polar scientist Cecilia Bitz, University of Washington.
NIWA wins NZ High Court case on temperature records.
Thanks to our media partners: Idealog Sustain, Sciblogs, and Scoop .
Theme music: A Drop In The Ocean by The Bads.
Hayfever season started three weeks ago for me. I never even considered the role global warming might be playing in my misery. Okay, Shell, Mobile et al, now it’s really personal!!
Could not find the download (Error 404)
Hmmm. I’ll contact Mr Williams and see if he can fix it… Apologies, and thanks for pointing out the problem.
Updated: Thanks to prompt attention on the other side of world, the audio player and download link are now working. Good job I caught Glenn before he headed off to the pub for lunch!
Thanks for that, guys – I’m pleased to see the show back! Despite the acknowledged glitches the technical stuff was impressive given the whole opposite sides of the world thing. (And the accent inversion is rather entertaining, too, when you think about it!)
Glad no-one had to get up at 3am to do it!
‘ear? ‘ow come it’s not available from Apple NZ iBook store? Tuff when we ‘ave to buy the Kindle version from Amazon….
Mind you, on their past record, it’s often cheaper to buy hard copies of both books and CDs from Amazon than download the digital copy from Apple, even with exorbitant p&p charges.
That’s because there isn’t an NZ iBook store. All you can do is download some out of copyright books. Remember it took Apple years to give NZ its own iTunes music store? We’re too small to be high on their list.
You could always buy the epub from me – that’ll work just fine on an iPad (I’ve used mine to proof all epub and .mobi files).
I am looking at supplying the book to NZ ebook retail outlets (mebooks being one), and Wheelers will be distributing it to schools and libraries here and in Australia and the UK.