At best, and putting it kindly, there is incongruity in the Murdoch empire’s handling of climate change. Rupert Murdoch professed a few years back that he had become convinced of the seriousness of the issue, as his son James was, and wanted to contribute to its solutions. Yet Fox News endlessly churns out vitriolic denial and bitter attacks on scientists, Wall Street Journal editorials and op-eds are anti-science on climate change, and The Australian runs a war on the science, as well recorded by Tim Lambert at Deltoid. These three alone lend very powerful support to the vested interests which want to see no action on limiting the use of fossil fuels. I was therefore interested to read a blog reflection on the Murdoch saga by Camilla Toulmin director of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED). Toulmin is an economist by training and has worked mainly in Africa. Her latest book Climate Change in Africa was reviewed on Hot Topic. Climate change is one of the big issues IIED focuses on.