Salinger’s warmer world book tour

Jim Salinger’s latest book on climate change — Living in a warmer world — was launched last night in Auckland. Jim’s pulled together contributions from some of the world’s leading researchers to illustrate what climate change really means for the way we will live in the future, including Ove Hoegh-Guldberg on coral reefs, John Church on sea level rise, Greg Jones on viticulture, Glenn McGregor on heatwaves, Jan Sinclair on media framing of climate, and Jonathan Boston on ethical issues. Jim and Trevor Chinn have penned the chapter on glaciers response to warming, and it’s packed full of interesting news about NZ’s ice loss (of which more later). It promises to be a fascinating and informative look at what’s coming down the track, and a useful companion to the IPCC’s new report. I’ll have a full review of the book up at Hot Topic in due course.

Over the next couple of months, Jim will be touring New Zealand, presenting key points from the book. His first gigs will be in Nelson on Sunday. Full details below the fold…


Sunday 13 October
10.30am-12 noon: Economy versus the environment – The thinking brunch
Jim Salinger, Sir Alan Mark, Karen Healey and Craig Potton, at
The Granary Festival Cafe, Founders Heritage Park

2.00-3.00pm: Living in a warmer world. Jim Salinger and Ralph Chapman
The Granary Festival Cafe, Founders Heritage Park
Contact: Jacquetta Bell


Thursday 17 October
4.00-5.30pm: Cotton Building Lecture Theatre 304 School of Geology, Environment and Earth Science, VUW
Contact: Dr Kevin Norton


Tuesday 22 October
6.00pm: Owen Glenn Theatre, Auckland University
Joint presentation with Glen McGregor (heatwave chapter) and Dr Jan Sinclair (media chapter).


Tuesday 29 October
5.00-6.00pm: Canterbury University – Undercroft 101 (beneath the Central Library)
Contact: Dr Matt Morris


Wednesday 30 October
5.00pm: Lincoln University, Faculty of Commerce building, Commerce 1 lecture theatre
Contact: Teresa Cunningham, Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit


Thursday 31 October
5.30-7.00pm: University of Otago, Division of Science, College of Education auditorium
Contact: Rose Newburn


Monday 4 November
6.30-9.30pm: Lake Wanaka Centre, Armstrong Room, Ardmore Street, Wanaka
Contact: Sue Coutts

Palmerston North:

Thursday 21 November
2.40 – 3.00pm: NZ Hydrological and Meteorological Society Joint conference, Palmerston North Convention Centre
Contact: Lea Boodee


Friday 29 November
7.30 – 9.00pm: Thames ECO conference, Kaureanga Valley Christian Camp
Contact: Cath Wallace


Monday 2 December
7.30-9.00pm: North Shore Forest and Bird Society
Contact: Karen Wealleans, North Shore Forest and Bird

[Updated 17/10: Note changes to Wanaka and Dunedin dates.]

4 thoughts on “Salinger’s warmer world book tour”

  1. I am glad so many people are working hard to resolve the climate crisis. I was just on the internet and read about some dire predictions in 2047. How do we make people hear us. World peace will never be with us if people are fighting for food and shelter. Like minds must rise up to meet this challenge. Climate scientists are the real heroes of our time.

  2. I would loved to have been at the launch – even happened to be in Auckland that night – but other factors have been occupying my attention over the last few weeks. (I’m so glad I live in NZ with free health care available to all – especially the new born.)
    Great to see Jim will coming to Thames. That date is now firmly booked.
    Now off to my fishpond account.

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