Peter Hadfield, aka video blogger potholer54, notes with some interest that while the noble Lord, Christopher, the discount Viscount Monckton of Brenchley has plenty of time on his current US trip to indulge in fantasies about the President’s birth, long Skype chats with classrooms of students, and addresses to California politicians, he has been unable to find the time to respond to the very public debate with Hadfield that he had committed to on Anthony Watts µWatts blog. The uncharitable might suggest this was because he was getting a drubbing. There’s a big difference between winning a debate through oratory, one of the potty peer’s genuine accomplishments, and living by the undeniable facts. Full text of Hadfield’s open letter here, together with a list of his debunking videos. Good value.
See also: Climate Crocks, Barry Bickmore, and Eli’s burrow.
So, the discount Viscount is revealed to be just another bloviating liar-for-hire, of the same genus as the Fox News crew, albeit with a fruity accent.
Quelle surprise!
It seems as if Watts is also ducking debate since he watched a video where Peter Sinclair (Greenman) and Peter Hadfield (Potholer 54) discussed Monckton:
Here is Watts’ response after watching the video:
I won’t link to it but it is a March 23rd post by Watts at his website.
Watts knows full well that Monckton cannot answer Hadfield’s criticisms. He even selectively falls back on his hearing problem in a transparent effort to conceal his own dissonance from himself – though he can apparently understand ‘Moncker’s’* Hooray Henry well enough! But he’s refusing transcripts of the Hadfield interview with mean-old Peter Sinclair and all!
Even His Lordship knows he’s beaten, in that strange sort of way that is second-nature to Deniers; while he cannot consciously acknowledge the depth of his defeat to himself, he must instinctively avoid the arena that the knows will bring him pain even though he cannot – and will never – acknowledge what the source of this pain is! ‘Dissonance’ is the word again, I believe.
The scale of the collective confirmation bias inherent in the comments at Watts is remarkable, even by the standards of the terminally bewildered. In the Happy Land of Magical Ponies they lose themselves in a little more each day His Serene LordyLordyness has already comprehensively whumped the upstart peon, merely by repeated application of the magical incantation ‘this simply isn’t the case’; only lesser mortals need further explicate their position into something resembling a dreary, quotidian argument. The man is, after all, Endorsed by The Crown, and these Lovers of Liberty have, predictably, the souls of the most feudal of bootlickers!
*These people now routinely refer to the delightful James Delingpole as ‘Dellers’, so why not ‘Monckers’? Then all you need to do is change one letter and it’s 100% accurate… 😉
Bryan Leyland, this is your life…
I think bill’s right about dissonance. Monckton is clearly engaging in displacement activities, talking to unthreatening small groups of students, for instance, and not the nasty, aggressive sort either. I’ll take a Godwin for the team and say that, from a description by caerbannog (http://www.skepticalscience.com/peter-hadfield-letter-to-chris-monckton.html , comment 10) of a Monckton presentation, the swivel-eyed Viscount would feel very much at home at the podium in a 1920’s Bavarian bierkeller.
Watts damning Hadfield by association also demonstrates the sufferings of dissonance, while reminding us all that greenman has dumped on him repeatedly.
Maybe he takes exception to being referred to as “Mr” Monckton
Monckton takes exception to most things and, when he gets caught out, either shouts and rants, changes the subject or runs away. Oh, threatening to sue seems to come high on the list as well, although I haven’t seen him actually carry out those threats yet. Empty, perhaps?
I was surprised last year in Durban that he didn’t come armed with his cure for AIDS, given the proliferation of it in South Africa and his claims to having invented the cure.