In a shock revelation on Aussie TV last night (see above), investigative journalists at ABC’s The Hamster Wheel have confirmed what insiders had suspected for some time — prominent climate denier and potty peer Christopher Monckton is in fact the latest project of Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen. Scrotum is not amused…
[Hat-tip: Peter “Climate Crocks” Sinclair]
NSFW – will reduce you to tears!
I have finally worked out who the potty peer reminds of, Marty Feldman, who incidentally also had Graves disease. The only question is which one will be remembered for being the funnier comedian.
Marty, of course. If only for Round The Horne.
The satire steps up another level on the Guardian comments board below this same video clip.
Lots of comedians pushing the joke further by claiming Moncton is a credible expert on climate science. Oh no, wait – They are not in on the joke, they are the joke.