A little Sunday education: John Bird and John Fortune explain the background to the global financial crisis. While some in Europe argue that carbon targets should be relaxed, others point out that natural losses dwarf the financial, and Mark Lynas argues that any New Deal should be green. [Hat tip: Scoop Review of Books]
LOL, thanks for that Gareth.
Tomorrow morning (Monday) will be “very interesting”.
Governments the world over are running away from Kyoto committments.
“The Germans are giving up and the Italians are getting ready to follow,” said one European negotiator on condition of anonymity.
Only Helen Clark is still singing “I’m the Leader” with gusto that would make Gary Glitter proud.
The economy is saved, now how about turning attention and financial resources to saving the Earth from a meltdown?
It looks as if the Wonder Boys on Wall Street, who caused the current disaster in the world’s financial system, are going to rescue the family of humanity from a meltdown of the global economy.
Is it too much to ask some of these multi-billionaires to provide wealth to save the world from the global “meltdown” of Earth’s ice pack that is occurring in Greenland, Antarctica, the high mountain ranges from the Arctic Cordillera, to the Andes to the Himalayas?
Steven Earl Salmony
AWAREness Campaign on The Human Population,
established 2001
Economy saved?? On what planet? Things will still get a lot worse IMHO.
The very last thing we need now is for the engine that has pulled the world out of every other slump in the last 150 years to be shut down: namely access to the most economically viable energy sources.
As for glacial meltdown: Not happening. See:
Youtube? Papers too complikated?
Whatever you do, don’t follow the links. It’s all self-promotion for Steve’s video tirades. It’s a very public way to show deep misunderstanding – even ignorance – of the reality of climate change. One wonders why he bothers…
Meanwhile the world’s poor continue to jump ship.
>>”It is clear that mitigation cannot be a priority for developing countries any more. Adaptation is clearly the way forward,” said Ghanaian representative William Agyeman-Bonsu.
>>Indeed, nearly all the Least Developed Countries were far more interested in coping with current and future conditions than sacrificing economic growth at the altar of emissions reductions, especially when India’s and China’s growth make the idea redundant.
“It is clear that mitigation cannot be a priority for developing countries any more”
If someone is claiming that it EVER was a priority for developing countries I will hunt them down with the express purpose of laughing in their face.