Over the last few years I’ve documented the current NZ government’s lackadaisical attitude to climate change policy. They’ve gutted the emissions trading scheme and dismantled sensible initiatives, ensuring that NZ emissions are on course to grow steeply. Last night, TV3 News asked three senior cabinet ministers whether they believed in the reality of climate change, and two of the three couldn’t quite find it in their hearts to endorse simple reality. Here’s my transcription of their responses:
Gerry Brownlee (minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, Transport, Leader of the House, #3 in the hierarchy):
Well, I think climate change is something that has happened always, so to simply come up and say, look, it’s man-made, is an interesting prospect.
Bill English (deputy PM, finance minister, #2 in the hierarchy):
There’s some impact… [edit] we should uncritically follow the Green’s extreme views about these things, well, many of us don’t.
By way of contrast, climate change minister Tim Groser was unequivocal:
Absolutely, the evidence is overwhelming — you’d have to be denying reality…
Given that I’ve been critical of Groser’s stance on NZ climate policy, it’s refreshing that he feels free to be so blunt in his acceptance of the reality of the problem. He is, after all, a skilled diplomat, and knows that if he were to tell the world that climate change was “an interesting prospect”, his peers in the international community would consider him to be a complete tit. It’s perhaps a good job that English and Brownlee don’t have to front up to the world on climate matters, or their self-esteem might suffer.
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