If you watch nothing else today, take the time to look at this spectacular movie of an aurora australis taken by the International Space Station on September 17, and made available by NASA’s Earth Observatory a couple of days ago. Not really climate-related, unless you’re into solar/climate linkages, but posted because the images are spectacular. And it is an atmospheric phenomenon…
Spectacular indeed!
And maybe more climate related than you think! IIRC Those red bits at the end of the film are the vast fires burning out of control in outback Australia…
(Specifically the bits around here – the unfortunate rule of inland Australia being that when the rains finally come the fires will be sure to follow!)
Glad you found this clip on YouTube – the .mov file NASA was offering on the website wouldn’t run on either of my computers!
I uploaded the NASA .mov myself (all NASA stuff is free to use): I only wish that they were a bit more consistent about “official” YouTube uploads. There’s a lot of NASA stuff up there, but never the thing I’m looking for…
Good on you for that! Seriously; users downloading Quick Time videos?! You’d think someone’s full-time job would be to upload all that remarkable footage of theirs to their YouTube channel and properly index it!…
It’s kind-of-uncanny to recall that it’s not CGI you’re looking at; I was reminded of the planet in the George Clooney version of Solaris.