Thin Ice, the superb documentary about climate science and scientists filmed and produced by New Zealand and British climate scientists, has launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to finance a new edit of the film so that it can be shown on public TV in the US. From the Kickstarter page:
Why do we need help? The global screening on Earth Day, 2013, reached over 200 locations worldwide, and many others have seen it since. Now we have a chance to re-edit the film for screening on American Public Television – if we can raise the NZ$27,500 (US$22,000) in 30 days needed for the re-edit and promotion.
We want the film to be seen by as many people as possible on TV in Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. We already have subtitles in 8 languages, so with the shortened film Thin Ice will be that much more accessible to schools and communities worldwide.
With 14 days to go, the project still needs to raise NZ$20,000, so if you can spare a few dollars go to Kickstarter, make a few climate scientists happy, and help to get this excellent film put in front of a wider audience.
Gareth. Thanks for giving your readers the opportunity to protest in a meaningful way, and releasing their frustration over your ongoing skirmishes. Now they can hit back at the tiny but noisy minority and their total lack of understanding of climate science. Donate to our KICKSTARTER campaign to get directly to the American heartland! [you may have to add the hyperlink]
Supporting THIN ICE for US Public TV cuts through their industry-funded misinformation campaign, and gives millions of Americans the opportunity to see for themselves the reality of our CO2-driven warming Earth through the eyes of the world’s top climate scientists, including a few Kiwis.