Bali roundup coming

But first… Viscount Monckton celebrates a successful conference.

PDF edition of Hot Topic published today

Released today! The all-new PDF edition of Hot Topic. Available exclusively through this blog, it costs a mere NZ$20. The full text and pictures from the paper version in a handy electronic format. If you’re a New Zealander living overseas who needs to know what climate change means for Aotearoa, or just interested in a southern hemisphere take on climate change issues, Hot Topic tells you all you need to know. To learn more, click the PDF edition link at the top of the page.

Hot Topic: finalist Best Australia or NZ Blog in 2007 Weblog Awards

Well, blow me down with a ‘norwester, HT’s been nominated as a finalist in the Best Australia and New Zealand Blog category of the 2007 Weblog Awards. Voting starts soon, so get on over there and give us a click. Competition’s tough, though – we’re the only NZ blog up against some Aussie big hitters: Ask Sam, After Grog Blog, Dipping into the Blog Pond, The Road to Surfdom, Tim Blair, John Quiggin, The Family Room, All Men Are Liars and iCiNG. It’s good to be the underdog, though…

UPDATE: Voting now open: you can vote once a day through to November 8th.

HT hiatus

The powers that be tell me that around mid-afternoon today (NZ time), Hot Topic will be moving to a new (and with luck, faster) host. It’ll take a while for the DNS changes to propagate, so apologies in advance – normal service will be resumed shortly.

Trumpets, #2

Another nice review, this time from the Howick and Pakuranga Times, by Barbara Weil: “[…]this book’s value lies not only in what he says, but how – in terms that we can all understand quite clearly.