Barry Brill, the superannuated politician and lack-lustre lawyer ((He prepared the case for the NZ CSET’s attempt to sue NIWA, famously described by the judge as “prolix”.)) who rejoices in the position of chairman of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, has been given room for a rant by right wing Aussie magazine Quadrant, and — surprise, surprise — he uses it to air the climate crank cliché du jour: The science is settled: no warming. Here’s Brill’s conclusion:
The statistical fact is that the late 20th century warming trend is history. It is over. It is so yeterday (sic). As Monty Python’s immortal “Dead Parrot” sketch illustrates so vividly, there is a vast gulf between “resting” and “dead”.
Unfortunately for Brill, and to borrow a line from a somewhat more apposite Monty Python sketch, he’s clearly suffering from “grievous mental confusion”, and an inability to construct an proper argument. As the script has it: Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes.
Brill is happy to contradict the evidence, by ignoring the great scads of the stuff that show warming continues. Global surface temperatures are not the only index of warming, nor do they reflect any standstill. Ice melts and oceans continue to warm, as Jeff Masters points out today — and as numerous others have pointed out since the crank echo chamber decided it was time to push this stupid meme.
Warming will stop only when atmospheric CO2 stabilises and the oceans reach thermal equilibrium, which isn’t going to happen any time soon. In the meantime Brill and his band of cranks, by propagandising for inaction are stealing all our futures. The world will be a much worse place than it need be, and Brill will have to take his share of the blame.
“Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes.”
No it’s not.
Brill and the rest of the C”S”C wouldn’t know what statistical significance was if it hit them in the face. Which it will do fairly soon.
Yes it is.
No it’s not 🙂
‘Contradiction’ is ‘gainsaying’ in Moncktonian
Is this just the 5 minute argument or the full half-hour?
“Brill and the rest of the C”S”C wouldn’t know what statistical significance was if it hit them in the face. Which it will do fairly soon.”
Just as you say – on reading the latest Post on the conversation re the chances of a hot summer increasing.
The VERY first comment rather ‘amusingly’ was -“What does, ‘ virtually certain’ mean in scientific terms? Does it mean the the authors are certain or uncertain.”
You can’t make this stuff up!
Yes you can.
No, you can’t 😉
Don’t gainsay poor Rob or I’ll contradict you
Poor old Barry Brill is just miffed that Justice Venning has given him another serving and awarded NIWA $90 K costs against NZCSET, with the option of seeking the monies directly from Brill and Dunleavy…
Here are the highlights:
Time for these people to put their money where their oversized mouths are.
No it’s not.
Yes it bloody well is, and I’ll passively resist anyone who says otherwise.
No you won’t.
Aha, I already am, so there!
No you’re not.
OK, prove it…
If we must chirp about bird droppings I report our parrots were reduced to awed silence half an hour back with the noise of this years first heavy shower 🙂
All pigeon poops have been washed off the roof.
“Ice melts and oceans continue to warm”
How can this be, if the Earth’s surface has experienced no heating for many years?
If the temperature stays the same then aggregate ice melt will be unchanged. There may be regional variations but you can’t increase melting without increasing heat.
I thought ARGO showed there had been no acceleration of the gradual ocean warming which has occurred for centuries. Anyhow, there has been no sea surface warming this century and its hard to see how the subsurface would get warm while the surface does not. Does warm water sink in the model you are using?
There is a cure for ignorance, you know, Australis. If you want to be cured, we can point you to several references for all this stuff. But I suspect you actually prefer to remain ignorant.
Australis, there are two factors which determine the density of sea water. One is obviously temperature, warm water is less dense than cooler water. However, a second factor, which the average person tends to overlook, is salinity. The more saline the sea water the more dense it is.
Water is constantly evaporating from the surface and shallow surface layers. The warmer the water and the warmer the air temperature the more water will be evaporated. Over a considerable period of time the evaporation will have caused an increase in the salinity of that water. At some point in time that warmer water will be more dense than the cooler, less saline water underneath and it will sink, thus causing the deeper water to warm.
Warm water rises if it is warmer than the water above it in everyone’s models. If you distinguish between heat and temperature you may get on the way to answers.
However, you quoted a phrase from the article but had you followed the link immediately following those words you would not have retained the other beliefs you have stated. From that article you can follow other references – a cure as CTG puts it.
Hmm …
on warm saline water not reaching the surface through cooler fresh water and other cool matters.
Perhaps Bill has some background on this uber-denier:
Judging by his rants, Violi is a pretty extreme case of a foul-mouthed thuggish troll of the worst kind.
Ah, no, new one to me! Unfortunately The Last Continent is full of these types, and they’re just about to be given the reins in Canberra…
Upon which, Australia is in danger of becoming The Lost Continent…
Ah, Gareth, this one featuring one of our old friends is rather interesting…
And, speaking of prats, and routine purveyors of pratdom.
Let’s face it; Denial has gone feral. Pick your own historical precedent for a nation’s major newspaper allowing itself to publish this kind of toxic garbage.
Uh, Delingpole looks rather gaunt on that picture. Wonder if the stress of complete mental disconnect between his abstruse ideas and reality is getting to him lately. Surely being a complete f…wit and probably knowing it too must eventually leave a mark on a man. He looks like one of his soldiers from his wicket war phantasy books that jumped 10 years after the war was over from one of his beloved foxholes with nothing but rats tails for food for a decade… goodness… and the Australian… well… living in NZ its a source of many good jokes… sorry….. 😉